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Mobile Menu

Reply to Re: Keys

Arrows - Pitch/Roll, G - Select Guns, S - Select Short-range missile (Sidewinder), M - Select Medium-range missile (Sparrow), B - Select Bomb mode, Enter - Fire selected weapon, 0-9 - Throttle settings from 55%-100%, A - Engage Afterburner (use throttle to cancel), X - Extend Speedbrake (cancel with throttle), E - Deploy ECM and chaff radar countermeasures, F - Release Flare heatseaking countermeasure, D - Drop external fuel tanks (ideally when empty), Space - Toggle rear view, Tab - Bail out/eject, K/L/O/, - Nav cursor, R - Change RADAR scale, V - Sound toggle (three settings), P - Pause, Esc - Quit to menu


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